Musky Trout Hatchery

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Musky Trout Hatcheries LLC. • 279 Asbury Bloomsbury Road • Asbury, NJ 08802
ph: 908•479•4893    fax: 908•479•4855   •



From rt. 78 east - take exit 6, at the end of the exit turn left onto rt 632. We are approx. 2 miles down the road on the right Look for our sign out front!


From rt. 78 west - take exit 7 (rt 173) follow 173 for about a half a mile. You will pass the Pilot gas station and then another truck stop. Then there will be a truck dealership on your right called Brown Truck Group. Make the next Right (only right after Brown truck for over a mile) onto rt 632. We are about 2 miles down on the right hand side. Look for our sign out front!


From rt. 31 - turn at the A&P onto rt 632. follow rt 632 into asbury. There is a quick left and then a quick right but it is the same road. We are about 3 miles from the quick left and quick right On the Left hand side. Look for our sign out front!


From rt. 22 - take rt 22 east until you get to where it ends and you have a choice of going right onto rt 78 or straight is rt173. Stay straight on 173. After about 3 miles you will pass a bridge on your right and a sign that says Bloomsbury. Make the next left which will be about 1/2 mile down the road onto rt 632. We are about 2 miles down the road on the right side. Look for our sign out front!


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