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Musky Trout Hatcheries LLC.
279 Asbury Bloomsbury Road • Asbury, NJ 08802 • Warren County
ph: 908•479•4893      •



MICROBE-LIFT PL - Pint, Quart, and Gallons


Features: Specially Formulated for Decorative Fish Ponds


Microbe-Lift/PL offers continued biological activity even in water temperatures under 55°F (12°C).

Creates a healthy environment for your pond, promoting faster fish growth.

Reduces ammonia and nitrogen levels.

Significantly reduces noxious odors caused by dead algae, fish fecal matter, and urine

Reduces hydrogen sulfide, which creates strong, offensive odors.

Reduces buildup of bird droppings, fish feed, and dead leaves.

Breaks down dead algae.

Improves dissolved oxygen levels.

Dissolves away organic sludge.

Seeds and maintains biological filters.

Contains nitrifiers, including both Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter species.

Contains photosynthetic bacteria which reduces cloudy water by promoting flocculation and settling of organic and inorganic particles.

Effective over a wide range of pH conditions.


Application Rates:

Pond (80-200) 1st dose (8 oz..) Next 4 Wks (2 oz. per wk) Maintain (2 oz. mo.)

Pond (201-500) 1st dose (10 oz..) Next 4 Wks (3 oz. per wk) Maintain (3 oz. mo.)

Pond (501-1000) 1st dose (12 oz..) Next 4 Wks (4 oz. per wk) Maintain (4 oz. mo.)

Pond (80-200) 1st dose (16oz..) Next 4 Wks (6 oz. per wk) Maintain (6 oz. mo.)


Calculating Pond Volume:

** To calculate the number of gallons in your pond: Multiply length x width x depth x 7.48 **



Microbelift Barley Straw Pellets

Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Pellets


The natural way to create a clear a fouled pond.

Develops plankton colonies which keep pond clear of bio-fouling.

Sustained release.

Safe for fish and plants.

100 % natural Barley Straw Pellets can be used inside most pond filters and skimmer systems, as well as floating within the pond.

Initially there will be some cloudiness but this will disappear naturally after a short while.



MICROBE-LIFT Liquid Biological Mosquito Control

available in: 5oz, 2oz, 6oz, 12oz, and 16oz

Microbe-Lift Liquid Biological Mosquito Control is specially formulated for decorative water gardens and ponds that contain fish and live plants. Dispenses evenly in water, no fish toxicity, no residues or fillers. EPA registered, safe for humans, animals, horses, livestock pets, birds or wildlife.

Kills developing mosquitoes before they become breeding biting adults, including those which may transmit WEST NILE VIRUS and Equine Encephalitis and those which may transmit Heartworm Disease to dogs and cats.

Biological Larvicide (BTI) Active Ingredient

Can be used in water gardens that contain live fish and plants.

540 square foot coverage per teaspoon.

Up to 14 days activity depending on application site.

Disperses evenly in water.

No fish toxicity.

No toxicity to non-targeted invertebrates.

No potential for resistance development in the target mosquito population.

No adverse aesthetics to the pond.

No organic or inorganic residues.